Reimagining the role of literature in the modern world

As an international publishing house, in a time where reading for pleasure is at an all time low, our mission is to address this challenge. Through innovative mediums, that open access to literature, we allow our partners to create connections, offer knowledge and culture, bring joy to their communities and progress society. Because big ideas are often born in idle moments when reading a short story, poem, or comic strip.


Image of Short Circuit is back with a new issue!

Short Circuit is back with a new issue!

Short Circuit #13 features ten original texts combining humour, emotion and suspense. The different genres range from short fiction to children's to comics. As for the themes, there is something for everyone, including magical realism, naturalism and science-fiction!

Discover the new works

How we enhance our partners' stories

Modern Short Literature

Wherever you are, whomever you are trying to reach with an emotional gift of a story, you may choose from a plethora of collections and genres from Short Édition: Humour, joy, nostalgia, shades of love, slice of life, magical realism, sci-fi...

Fiction and creative non-fiction written by writers worldwide, and published by Short Édition’s editorial team, in the form of short stories, poetry, and comics. Thousands of works written by thousands of paid writers across five continents.

Learn more about our Quarterly Review, content, and editorial services

Delivered via Innovative Mediums

Well-written content is delivered in creative ways to enjoy a good read, either on an eco-friendly scroll to collect & share, or via smartphone for a mindfulness break.

Created in 2015, the iconic Short Story Dispenser™ exists in many shapes and sizes to stun the general public, students, patients in a hospital, and commuters and travelers, with a quick read.

Learn more about our Dispensers

In need of a good read?


Real Treasure

Axel C

Every time summer vacation came round, the parents were in the habit of sending their two children to the country, far away from the bustle of the city. So every July, Julien and his little siste ... [+]

Short Fiction

Goodbye Paul!

Olivier Castor

It was November. It was cold; below the seasonal average, the weather forecast said. The wind swept the dead leaves along in gusts. The sky was a cold, clear blue. Really not the weather to be put ... [+]
