
Rules for participation 

Story & poetry format

The author should submit an original story of 7500 characters maximum, or a poem of 6000 characters maximum, including spaces.

Stories must be fictional. All stories dealing with news or history, that are biographical, articles, or essays, or pastiches of current events will not be accepted or published.

Submitted fiction may otherwise be of any genre, including but not limited to: drama, romance, science fiction, etc. Pornographic or erotic texts are not allowed.


The PSU Short Stories project is limited to Penn State University students, faculty, and staff. Authors must register with their academic email address (@psu.edu). This project also includes submissions from the Centre County community.

The author may use a nickname that will appear adjacent to or nearby the title of the story. 

Rights, Guaranties,
and Responsibilities 

Guaranties and responsibilities

The author represents and warrants:

  • they are the sole author of the submitted story and that it is an original work;
  • they own the copyright to the work and they have never transferred the rights to a third party;
  • the work does not violate any other right including patent, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights of any third parties;
  • the work does not contain any scandalous, libelous, obscene, indecent, pornographic, erotic, or unlawful matter and is not otherwise objectionable;
  • the work does not make any improper invasion of the privacy of any person;
  • and that the work is previously unpublished and is not subject to an agreement to publish.

Copy and distribution

Subject to the acceptance of the story by Short Édition, the author grants the right to Short Édition and the Pennsylvania State University to modify, edit, correct, translate, adapt, reproduce, distribute, and publish the submitted stories on the psu.short-edition.com website and in the Short Story Dispensers at the Penn State Campuses and in any other online media including the internet, mobile apps, or any other electronic form under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in the PSU Short Stories Project.

The author agrees that no royalties or any other payment or remuneration is due in connection with publication with the PSU Short Stories project either online or in print.

Selection and publication

The Editorial Team for Penn State Short Stories is solely responsible for determining the texts which have sufficient quality, originality, and other criteria for publication. The Editorial Team may decide to refuse or remove a text without any justification or for any reason whatsoever. Authors may revoke the license by sending a request to cease publication of their story via the contact form by specifying their name, nickname used (if any), and title of the story. Revocation requests are subject to verification.

Children under the age of 13 may not create user accounts or submit stories. Certain areas of the Website are not intended for and may not be suitable for viewing by children under 13. However, access to most areas of our Website is not restricted and if individuals under 13 years of age wish to view any areas of the Website (e.g. children's stories), they should seek the permission of their parent or guardian, who must agree to these Terms on their behalf. Children over 13 but under 18 should not use the Website without consent of their parent or legal guardian.

If you believe that your copyright has been infringed, or your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, you may contact the Short Édition DMCA agent with a proper takedown request.